How to Create Balance for Vata Ayurveda Mind-Body Type

How to Create Balance for Vata Ayurveda Mind-Body Type

Ayurveda means “science of life” and refers to the 5,000-year-old science that began in India when rishi (sages) compiled guidelines regarding diet, treatment of disease and illness. There are three mind-body types, or doshas. Vata represent ether and space and is easy to identify in an individual. Vatas are thin, wiry, slender with irregular appetites and irregular digestion. Dryness is a theme: dry hair, brittle nails, dry skin and constipation. Movement is their motto. Talkative and in motion, a Vata can be a whirling dervish.


Maintain a regular routine. Eat at the same times and do not skip meals! Vatas’ changing appetites may find them ravenous one day and actually forgetting to eat the next. Engrossed in a project, Vatas’ realize they are late and hurry out, anxious to not be late. All the movement and lack of nourishment would result in more worry and anxiety.


Favor foods that are moist, sweet, salty or sour. Eating easily digested cooked foods such as steamed seasonal vegetables, whole grains with ghee or flax seed oil and dulse (seaweed) is a Vata-pacifying meal. It combines all 5 tastes of Ayurveda: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and astringent. Do not eat an entirely raw food diet: this is Vata-aggravating. Fresh fruits are fine, but better yet are poached apples in maple syrup drizzed with low-fat yogurt. Comfort foods are those that will ground a Vata’s flightiness.


Exercise moderately. Thin by nature and not very muscular, vatas may tire easily or allow their active minds to keep them busy. Yoga, mellow biking, walking and other non-competitive activities are appropriate. Exercise of all types releases endorphins and provides an outlet for the self-critical Vata to decompress without exercising to exhaustion.


Cover the head and belly. Vatas in high wind or a cool room can be easily distracted. Cover the head with a scarf, hat or baseball cap in summer. Do not expose the belly, no matter how fashionable. Drape a sarong around yourself at the beach or wear a poncho. Vatas often complain of cold hands and feet: covering the head and belly in all kinds of weather traps body heat.


Go to sleep at the same time every night. Activated by their constantly inquisitive minds, Vatas can get a second wind at 10 p.m. and find themselves still alert and awake at 2 a.m.—only to crash at the office during a 10 a.m. meeting. Getting adequate rest consistently grounds this Vata chaos.


Write things down. Vatas are the friendly, energetic, scatter-brained people we know and love. Make shopping lists and outline tasks at work to not let Vata forgetfulness make you stressed. Memory is not a reflection of intelligence--Vatas are often extremely bright, they just can’t remember to buy bread at the market until it is written on a piece of paper.


Practice non-judgment. When Vatas become imbalanced, it is easy for them to turn their considerable intelligence into a laser beam of critical evaluation onto themselves. Inject a sense of humor and playfulness instead. Make a list of "fun ambitions" such as learning how to crochet or play tennis.


Make time for play; allow the inner child to roam. Volunteer to work with
or with other big children like yourself. Create community service projects and invite friends to join you. This gives Vatas a perspective that brings them out of self-critical behavior and allows others to benefit from their talents and sharp wit.


Provide time for quiet reflection. Meditation can be simply sitting comfortably with eyes closed for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day. Easily pulled into activity, Vatas are well-served by practicing pratyahara: drawing their finely tuned senses inside, to recharge. Cover the eyes with a sleep mask if you are easily distracted during meditation.

Tips & Warnings

Vata aggravation manifests as forgetfulness, worry, anxiety, self criticism, distrust of others, as well as insomnia and the inability to concentrate. Balanced Vatas exhibit creativity, spontaneity, ingenuity, playfulness and friendliness. Creating balance for Vatas is not difficult.

Ayurveda is an adjunct therapy. If you have a serious illness such as chronic disease or depression, consult with a physician.

How to Create Balance for Pitta Ayurveda Mind-Body Type

How to Create Balance for Pitta Ayurveda Mind-Body Type

back 5,000-year-old to India where sages are said to have compiled volumes of guidelines for diet and how to treat illness and disease. It is still widely practiced in India today and has spread worldwide. Pittas represent fire and water. They are of medium build, often athletic with defined muscles, a hearty appetite and a very efficient digestion. Food disappears around Pittas. Known for their leadership qualities, self-confidence, Pittas are high achievers. When imbalanced, Pittas can become critical of others. There are ways to remain sattvic, or calm and luminous, even if you are Pitta-dominant.


Start by staying cool, literally. In summer, stay out of the direct sun from 10 am to 2 pm when the sun is at its strongest. Pittas run hot and exposing themselves to extreme heat will challenge them to keep their tempers from flaring. Instead, remain indoors or in the shade, well hydrated. Winter
and moonlight walks pacify Pittas who have the internal fire to remain in good spirits in cold weather.


Channel competitive drives in sports or other physical activities. Pittas are blessed with athletic prowess: use it to run 5 miles before work or lift weights at the gym on your lunch break. Moderate to strenuous exercise is appropriate if you are in good health and do it consistently to prevent injuries from being a weekend warrior. Play good sportsmanship: play for the joy of it and don’t drum the other team if they win.


Eat to fuel your body. Generally Pittas are sports warriors that do the kind of athletic output most people call pre-Olympic training. Resistance training every day? Running before work, surfing on Saturdays and biking 30 miles on Sunday morning at 7 am? Eat a sold 3 meals with the largest meal at 12 noon when digestion is strongest. Snack on high-protein foods such as low-fat yogurt and nuts or a half a tuna sandwich. Avoid empty calories or very salty foods. Pittas must not skip meals or they experience a burning digestion: their agni fire of digestion is so strong.


Consume foods that are cooling. Ayurveda recommends Pittas eat foods that are astringent, bitter and sweet. A typical meal might be steamed kale and carrot (bitter and sweet), with brown rice (sweet), tofu, with lemon juice dressing (astringent). Eat whole foods over processed and avoid very salty foods. Known for strong hunger and thirst, drink diluted fruit juices, Pitta-pacifying teas, fresh vegetable juices (parsley, wheatgrass with carrot, ginger or apple) and avoid caffeine in coffee or teas.


Make time for non-competitive recreation. Sewing,
and yard work or biking leisurely are all ways to unplug the competitive fire that can rage out of control in Pittas. Emphasize play to level the strong impulse to dominate and conquer.


Begin a meditation practice. Simplify things by setting aside 10 to 15 minutes to sit quietly with eyes closed. You might practice breath work by closing off the right nostril with your right thumb and breathing through the left nostril for 7 to 10 cycles of breath. The left nostril is the lunar side and some people who practice yoga block off the right nostril for several hours during a meditation retreat to access the right side of the brain that is non-linear and intuitive.


Express your creativity and humor. This might mean keeping a book of jokes on your nightstand or performing at a stand up comedy night for amateurs. Expressing your sense of humor will help lessen the intense performance and competitive drives many Pittas have.


Schedule in non-productive time. This is what people once called “down time.” It may be only 30 minutes or an hour every day where you do not have to produce or do anything. This allows time for quiet reflection or walking your
. Unhingeing mentally is restorative for the precise, active mind of a Pitta.

How to Create a Wolf Energy Healing Ritual

How to Create a Wolf Energy Healing Ritual

The wolf can be a very misunderstood animal, and is frequently portrayed in an unfavorable light. In reality, wolves are social, highly intelligent, have a strong sense of family and loyalty and they live by carefully defined rules and rituals. Calling upon the wolf as a spirit guide or animal companion can offer you their gifts of guardianship, loyalty, strong spirit and a respect for family. They teach us balance in life, and a respect for authority and democracy! The following exercise is designed to assist you in calling upon the wolves energy to guide you to finding a new life path, journey and to take control of your life.

Things You'll Need:

A belief that animals act as guides to our spirit and are here to help us obtain life balance.

The ability to respect healthy rituals and to discontinue those that cause us harm!

A respect for social structure and for those who have earned the "alpha" position---and to realize that you too can become a leader!

Wolf Energy


Ritual: is any action, undertaken with intention and belief that grows powerful through repetition and connection. The ritual can be personal, cultural, or part of our ancestry of heritage. For the purposes of this article, ritual refers to ceremonial behavior that is engaged in for the purpose of obtaining increased health.


Finding your own personal ritual: can be a very healing experience. Often the ritual comes out of a dream or personal vision. Sometimes, the ritual is guided by a spirit helper or healer that presents themselves in the dream or vision. We can call upon a specific animal spirit to guide us and bring us the needed energy for healing.


A healing exercise: might involve imagining yourself as both the wolf and the person; view yourself as the "wolf-person." Be objective and begin by assessing yourself where you are today. Write a description of where the wolf-person is emotionally and intellectually.


Empowerment: ask the wolf to guide you with love and personal insight. If you are seeking attachment,
family health
, harmony or safe journey; ask the wolf to empower you with good judgment and a sense of direction. The wolf is considered a guardian totem and a symbol of perseverance.


The wolves teachings: are generous of spirit and are loving. The wolf exemplifies respect. The wolf can teach you about compassion and loyalty to your family, friends, and
. If you have not been taught love, trust or companionship in your family of origin, wolf can be a healing guide. The wolf can teach you to replace painful, negative patterns with healing qualities to become a loving adult. Wolves bring us healthy love, forgiveness, intimacy, trust, community, selflessness, and generosity.


Steps to healing:
1) Identify what issues were responsible for injury in your ability to love, trust or have intimacy in your life.
2) Identify your personal strengths.
3) Identify your personal weaknesses.


Create a personal ritual:
1) Chant; 2) meditate; 3) drum; 4) journal; 5) speak to your animal spirit; 6) Dance or create movement.

Enact the vision or dream using one of the methods above while working on correcting negative or unhealthy thoughts or feelings---keep focused on the wolves energy for healing while asking him to guide you toward health.

Tips & Warnings

Wolves teach us that true freedom requires discipline.

If a wolf shows up in your life the communication is that it is time to breathe new life into your life.

Wolf medicine teaches us to trust our instincts and ways to build strong and secure emotional attachments.

Social behavior is based upon hierarchical structure; wolves do not fight unless it is necessary--follow this life lesson.

If you have difficulty communicating your moods, thoughts or feelings study and seek the wisdom of the wolf or you may miss the opportunity for deep companionship in life.

Respect your own life rituals and change and grow as necessary to maintain health and wellness--life is a journey!

How to Create a Vegetable Detox Diet

How to Create a Vegetable Detox Diet

While there are a number of detox diets out there, some tend to be grueling, time consuming and tiring. The vegetable detox diet is a fantastic alternative to other forms of detox, as you are ensured all of the vitamins, minerals and calories your body needs while at the same time cleansing the organs and shedding pounds. Best of all, the diet is simple and easy for every lifestyle.


Decide how many days you will perform your vegetable detox diet before beginning. It is best to perform your detox for a minimum of three days to fully cleanse the colon, the perfect way to start off. On your next detox diet, you might go up to five days or a week; however, do not exceed 10 days without discussing the detox with your doctor.


Plan ahead, as detox is not always the most comfortable experience. During the first few days of your vegetable detox, you may experience headaches, body odor, fatigue and multiple bowel movements. Never fear, these are all normal symptoms of detox and will pass; however, you may find the experience more comfortable by taking a few days off of work and clearing your busy schedule.


Ease slowly into detox by cutting heavy foods such as red meat, fats, fried foods, pastas and soda about a week before beginning. Additionally, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and caffeine and restricting sugar will help you to avoid some of the heavier symptoms of detox. Just as you should ease into your diet, take it easy after your detox as well, avoiding the same items to prevent upset stomach and general malaise.


Get familiar with the basic rules of your vegetable detox diet in order to reap the greatest benefits. It is important that you chew your food slowly and thoroughly, as the better you chew, the easier it is for your body to digest the foods you eat. Take a few minutes to relax before and after eating and eat in a comfortable position to ease stress on your body and promote digestion. Finally, in addition to plenty of vegetables, enjoy as much herbal caffeine-free tea as you like.


Choose plenty of fresh, organic vegetables for your detox diet. While you can eat any vegetable you like, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and broccoli sprouts, garlic, onions as well as red and green vegetables are particularly helpful in detox. Finally, whenever possible, leave the peel on your vegetables, as many of the nutrients are concentrated near the surface.


Eat as many fresh, raw, organic vegetables as you like during your detox diet. You can use a bit of lemon juice, sea salt and/or apple cider vinegar to season salad; however, no dressings or oil. While you might enjoy a soup in the evening, try to eat vegetables raw as often as possible as they contain important enzymes that will help your detox. If making soup, be sure to eat all of the liquid, as many important vitamins and minerals leach into the water.

How to Create a Relaxing Foot Bath

How to Create a Relaxing Foot Bath

There’s nothing quite like an aromatic foot bath to help you relax. Easy to make, the benefits of a foot bath can be enhanced by adding essential oils that will not only soften the skin, but will be absorbed through it.Indulge in a foot bath when reading a book, watching a favorite movie, or simply when closing your eyes to relax.Follow these simple steps to relaxation.

Things You'll Need:

Pure essential oils

Foot bath

Almond oil


Create a Relaxing Foot Bath with Essential Oils


Choose 100% pure essential oils-only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Don’t use synthetic oils-they do not have the same benefits.


Buy only almond oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


Choose which formula you prefer based on what you like to smell – most stores have testers you can sniff. There are a variety of formulas you can create. Here are two. Formula #1 uses Geranium, Cedarwood, Marjoram, Clary Sage, Benzoin and Celery essential oils. Formula #2 uses Mandarin,
, Anise, (Sweet)
, Petitgrain, and Lemon.


Prepare the foot bath. Fill the foot bath two-thirds full with very warm water, but not so hot it’s uncomfortable. The warm water helps the blood vessels to dilate and absorb the oils.


Add Formula #1 to the water. Add 4 drops of Geranium essential oil, 3 drops of Cedarwood, 3 drops of Marjoram, 2 drops of Clary Sage, 2 drops of Benzoin and 1 drop of Celery. Then add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of the Almond Oil. Swirl the water to mix the oils.


Add Formula #2 to the water. Add 4 drops of Mandarin essential oil, 4 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Anise, 2 drops of (Sweet) Basil, 2 drops of Petitgrain, and 1 drop of Lemon. Then add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of the Almond Oil. Swirl the water to mix the oils.


Place your feet in the water, and allow them to soak for at least 15 minutes. Inhale the aromas as you soak your feet to get more aromatherapy benefits.


Gently pat your feet with a towel to dry, allowing any essential oil residue to stay on your feet.

Tips & Warnings

Store all oils in a cool dry place. Keep the lids firmly closed to prevent evaporation, and keep away from sunlight.

To avoid “wearout” when sniffing multiple essential oils as you make your selection, take a short break and inhale a few deep breaths to clear your nose, and give your brain a chance to reset.

Benzoin is a thicker essential oil and flows more slowly. Warm the bottle with your hands to help increase flow.

Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant without getting professional advice.

If any skin irritation occurs, stop using immediately.

How to Create a Perfect Bath

How to Create a Perfect Bath

When was the last time you took a long, luxurious bath? Hydrotherapy- the use of water for soothing pain and treating disease- is one of the oldest forms of medical treatment. The Romans even made bathing a central element of life. Today, "taking a bath" is less about cleansing your body and more about cleansing your mind. To create the perfect bathing experience in your home, be sure to follow these steps to address all of your five senses.

Things You'll Need:


soothing music

essential oils

chamomile tea


large, fluffy towel


Create the perfect atmosphere by clearing all distractions out of the house. No kids, no phone calls, clear ALL distractions. Close the bathroom door and dim the lights or light candles.


Play soothing music or a sounds of nature CD. Some find it quite refreshing to listen to the sound of silence to still the mind.


Run your bath water to your desired temperature. Make sure it's not too hot so you can sit in it comfortably. Add essential oils to scent the water and air.


Sip on chamomile tea or a relaxing beverage of your choice during your bath to keep you hydrated and help you enjoy the time focused on your needs.


Use a loofah after soaking. Wrap yourself in a large, plush towel. Apply lotions to rehydrate and replenish your skin. You might even be able to take a nap since you've taken a moment to actually relax.

How to Make an Ointment

How to Make an Ointment

Ointments, or salves, contain oils and/or fats, but no water added. An ointment is used for a protective layer over the skin. Depending on the oils you choose, the ointment can be healing or comforting. Using olive, coconut, sweet almond oil or sunflower oil with beeswax to make an ointment is easy to do at home. Make your own oil infusions or purchase the essential oils of your choice.

Things You'll Need:


Vegetable oil

Essential oil

Glass bowl

Sauce pan

Glass ointment jars

Wooden paddle or spoon


Put 1 ounce of beeswax and 1/2 cup oil in a clean, glass bowl, and place it over a saucepan of simmering water. Simmer it until the wax is melted.


Stir with a wooden paddle or spoon until mixture cools and gets hard, then stir in the essential oils. Use 20 to 30 drops of your favorite essential oil. If you have sensitive skin only use 10 drops.


Spoon into small, glass ointment jars. Let cool, seal tightly and store in a cool, dry area.


Label your jars with the contents and


Use the ointment within three months. Avoid having the ointment spoil rapidly by storing it in several small containers instead of a large one.

Tips & Warnings

Ointments can be stored for about three months.

Test oils before using them to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction.

If ointment is too soft, reheat and add more beeswax. If it's too hard, reheat and add a small amount of oil until you get the desired effect.